Roots Endodontics, PLC, Brighton, Livingston County, Michigan – Dr. Mayank Vora, DDS

What to Expect


A typical visit begins with completing a medical history and consent forms for the proposed endodontic procedure, as well as sharing information regarding the symptoms present.

An image of the tooth/teeth in question will be acquired even if you brought an image from your dentist. Dental radiographic images are a necessary part of root canal therapy and provide information that cannot be obtained otherwise. Images help us accurately diagnose and render appropriate endodontic therapy. We make every attempt to minimize radiographic exposure by utilizing lead shielding and low-radiation digital imaging.

Our doctor will then evaluate symptoms prior to testing the tooth in question along with adjacent teeth. After the tests are complete, a diagnosis will be rendered and treatment options/alternatives will be discussed in order for you to understand how endodontic therapy can relieve your pain and save your tooth.

If you decide to receive treatment, the procedure may start immediately. Before treatment begins, you will receive local anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure. A small opening is made in the top of your tooth and the inflamed or infected pulp (nerve tissue) is removed. Then, the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected. The root canals are subsequently filled and sealed with a biocompatible rubber-like material called gutta-percha. A temporary filling is then placed to close the opening. Afterwards, the tooth is permanently restored by your general dentist with a crown or filling for protection. After restoration, the tooth usually continues to function like any other tooth.

If the procedure is unable to be completed in one visit, medicine may be placed inside the tooth between appointments. Each tooth presents a unique situation, and treatment will thus be tailored.